05 December, 2008
29 November, 2008
Just Rambling......
So you meet some people and think "Wow..we could be friends!" but as things move along all you seem to find is lies trickery and feel as though you are trapped in a house of mirrors. How can people seem to be your friend in one breath then belittle and hurt you behind your back?? I have had this situation and find it quite disheartening. I thought that kind of behavior was best left in High School and not dragged into ones thirties and on!
I must also add I have some very wonderful friends to which I am truly grateful and I am very lucky to call my wives! To those wonderful ladies I say THANK YOU and I love you all!!
I must also add I have some very wonderful friends to which I am truly grateful and I am very lucky to call my wives! To those wonderful ladies I say THANK YOU and I love you all!!
18 October, 2008
Time Flies....
Wow it has been a long time since I blogged. Life is plugging away. Pixie is in third grade and LOVES school. Math is her favorite. Kokopelie is working hard in cyber fraud land...This is their busiest time of year as the crazy Christmas seasons begins. Dragonfly is now working for Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort in their travel and lodging department. Can you say FREE SKIING!! wahoo. The farm is growing well and crazy as ever...2 sheep, 2 geese, 2 chickns, 1 dog we are down a bunny but have aded a horse named Rosie!! Pixie is in heaven!! Look out 4-H here we come!!
Happy Hallowen!!!!!
Happy Hallowen!!!!!
27 June, 2008
Good Bye.....
Michelle Erickson
10/14/1971 ~ 6/10/2008
Our loving mother, daughter, niece, cousin and friend returned to the Sanctuary of her Heavenly Father on June 10, 2008.
Michelle was born October 14, 1971 in Alexandria, Louisiana.
She is survived by her two wonderful children, Kari (13) and Delaney (12) Uncles; her best friend, Dave Uncles; her loving mom and step-dad, Jeanine and Bill Mulhair; as well as many other aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.
Michelle was preceded in death by her father, Michael Erickson; numerous grandparents;
her aunt, Lynne; cousin, Tyler, and a few of her friends. She was met with great love.
Michelle is now at peace and will be greatly missed and always loved.
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to her children at the Michelle Erickson Memorial Fund at America First Credit Union.
Memorial Services will be held Saturday, June 28, 2008 at 12:00 noon at the Valley View Funeral Home Chapel, 4335 West 4100 South. The family will receive friends at a visitation one hour prior to the service. Under the direction of Valley View Funeral Home.
17 June, 2008
Missing since 06/10/08
Height - 5'5"
Weight 135 lbs
Hair - Red w/ blonde highlights (chin length cut now)
DOB - 10/14/71
Also missing is her car 2001 red pontiac grande am 4 door Licsence Plate 209 NKU (Has pink sparkley Superman sticker on rear window on drivers side.
Contact SL County Sheriffs office @ 743-7000 w/info
Case Number 08-51305
This is our counsin - She has been missing since 06/09/08 and was spotted in Idaho near Pocatello. Please pass this around!!!! Thanks
10 June, 2008
What a Pride weekend!
What a busy weekend.....we started Friday night with the White Party at Paper Moon with all our crazy friends, Then up bright and early to breakfast with my cute friend Karen and then off to Pixie's first Voice Lesson Recitel. What a STAR she is!! She was so brave and did a fantastic job!! Then it was to our house for a great BBQ, a big fire in the fire pit and an exciting night with friends. Sunday we got up early rode traxx downtown and watch the GLBT Parade and then went to the festival - We ran into old friends and caught up on old times. The sun was out and it was a beautiful fun day. Kokopelie and I volunteered in the Family Photo exhibit booth for a few hours and it was really exciting to watch people come in and see all the gay and lesbian family pictures and feel their excitment as they signed up to be a part of the next showing of the photographs. Personally I think they should be on display perminatly in the Gay and Lesbian Community Center!!
As for yesterday.....us and a few more of our buddies made the executive choice to all call in to work with 24 hour tumors and we loaded up the kids and went to Pineview Lake for the day. It was SO FANTASTIC!!! The lake was cold the sun was warm and the kids all played in the sand and surf until they couldn't stand it anymore! We all headed home sunburned and mostly recovered from the weekend!
As for yesterday.....us and a few more of our buddies made the executive choice to all call in to work with 24 hour tumors and we loaded up the kids and went to Pineview Lake for the day. It was SO FANTASTIC!!! The lake was cold the sun was warm and the kids all played in the sand and surf until they couldn't stand it anymore! We all headed home sunburned and mostly recovered from the weekend!
02 June, 2008
OK all you blog stalkers that keep bugging me to post....This blog is for you!! It is the last week of school and Pixie can hardly wait for summer to begin! She is off to camp at the local B*oys and G*irls Club, and a week of Rock Climbing Camp at Momentum Gym. She also is going to take Horse back riding and tennis lessons and she is VERY excited about that!!We have loads of camping trips and a big river run planned for the summer. The farm is going great the lambs are growing and eating all the weeds in the pasture its awesome....The geese are insane - they really act like their name sakes (Esma and Kronk - Yes from the Emperors New Groove) Esma is a B**ch and Kronk is...well the nicest way to put it his he is mentaly challenged but a good laugh.
This past weekend Pixe and I went hiking up to Tim*pano*gos Cave (poor Kokopelie had to work). That is such a great hike and makes youu realize the majesty of this beautiful place we are lucky enough to call home! We dragged Papa and grandma with us and poor grandma just gets humiliated by Papa's sense of fashion (his theory is EVERYTHING matches camo-especially his stripy railroad over-alls!)
We are looking forward to a great Pride Day weekend and a healthy happy Summer!!
30 April, 2008
YES we are farmers....There has been a few changes to the make up of our little Urban Farm - As of last night we have 2 baby Lambs (they are about 1 week old) we have to bottle feed them 3 times a day for the next 6 weeks - We are still debating on name so give us your suggestions!! We have also added 2 geese one is brown and named Kronc and the other will be white and her name is Eisma (think Emperors New Groove) I am trying to convince Kokopelie we need a Llama to call Kusco but she isn't buying it..lol! We are tearing apart the house and working hard to plant a big garden and wishing it would get warm!
06 March, 2008
Old McDonald had a Farm......?
We are now officially farmers!! LMAO - as of yesterday we are now the proud owners of 1 male Pygmy goat named "Bucky" and a very fluffy Lion Head Bunny that Pixie has named "Zinnia". Add those to the dog and 3 fish we already have and we are getting quite the little menagerie of critters (not to mention the horse, cats and chickens that live next door)! It is fun! It also gives me some hope that spring is FINALLY on it's way. I am ready for some sunshine, camping, BBQ's and looong warm summer nights!
25 February, 2008
Happy Monday?
13 February, 2008
Ice Skating
What a fun night.....We went Ice Skating for Winter Pride at the Galliva*n Center. It was so much fun. Pixie LOVES ice skating - Actually she is a total winter baby she loves the snow, skiing ice skating and now has added snow shoeing to her winter activities list! Tonight is the big Ralley on Capitol Hill to remove the co-habitation wording from the adoption and foster parenting laws in this backwards State we have choosen to live and love in. It should be interesting and exciting! Hopfully our voices will be heard and atleast a small seed will be planted on this HUGE issue.
11 February, 2008
What a great weekend!!
WOW!! We had a busy and terriffic weekend! It started friday night with the opening activity of Winter Pride. It was BINGO night with the Cyber Sluts and it was awesome! Between party fouls and cupcake eating contests it was quiet the event! They raised over $1200.00 for charity which is amazing!
Saturday morning poor Kokopelie had to work so Pixie and I went on an adventure with my dad (Papa) and Grandma K. We headed up American Fork Canyon to do some snow shoeing. This was a first for Pixie and I and what fun it was!! We climbed and fell and laughed and pulled papa out of the snow...We saw moose and deer, avoided snowmobilers and tubers. Fordid streams and ponds and even got pink cheecks from the sun! It was a fantastic day! We can't wait to do it again. I get a deal at work through the Outdoor Rec Department so we can rent ALL kinds of outdoor play equipment and it is going to be great to access all the fun stuff they have!

Saturday morning poor Kokopelie had to work so Pixie and I went on an adventure with my dad (Papa) and Grandma K. We headed up American Fork Canyon to do some snow shoeing. This was a first for Pixie and I and what fun it was!! We climbed and fell and laughed and pulled papa out of the snow...We saw moose and deer, avoided snowmobilers and tubers. Fordid streams and ponds and even got pink cheecks from the sun! It was a fantastic day! We can't wait to do it again. I get a deal at work through the Outdoor Rec Department so we can rent ALL kinds of outdoor play equipment and it is going to be great to access all the fun stuff they have!

06 February, 2008
Good Morning and happy Wednesday!! I so was NOT ready to wake up to more white stuff falling from the sky my lovely commute took me almost 90 mins (usually it's 40) We all went to a sneak preview of The Spiderwick Chronicels - It was a fun movie....Wouldn't reccomend it for kids under 6 or 7 though its a bit scarey! Here are 3 of the pictures from our photo shoot the other night we have to pick up the disk to get the rest.....

05 February, 2008
Happy Tuesday!
Well the weekend was good!..Kokopelie and I got a wild hair and drove up to Lava Hot Springs for the day Saturday morning...It was great! The warm water felt great and it was just a nice get away for the day! Then we came home and hit Pat's BBQ and it was great to see the friends we have missed due to our winter hibernation. Sunday was a mellow day stayed home (no wild Super Bowl Party) We did laundry, homework and watched the game! Pixie and I were very excited to see the Giants win! I am NOT going to mention the L Word other than Shane keeps this up and the viewers are going to need antibiotics for the STD we are going to catch from watching all her escapades!! LOL
Last night we went and had our family picture taken for the Winter Pride Family Art Show. It was fun...The lady doing the pics was a good friend of Kokopelies so we had a laugh and caught up with some other families as we were coming and going (they were also getting their pics taken for the exhibit) I am excited for Winter Pride....It was LOADS of fun last year!
Last night we went and had our family picture taken for the Winter Pride Family Art Show. It was fun...The lady doing the pics was a good friend of Kokopelies so we had a laugh and caught up with some other families as we were coming and going (they were also getting their pics taken for the exhibit) I am excited for Winter Pride....It was LOADS of fun last year!
01 February, 2008
Yeah it is friday...I get to bug out of work early to go to Parent Teachers with Pixie. She loves these meetings..LOL you can tell she is only in second grade! lol They are fun for me to go to as well I love hearing about her antics in class. Her teacher always say she is a riot!
This weekend we are going to have a day of R & R we Kokopelie and I are going to go soak our bones in Crystal Hot Springs - then head to Pat's BBQ to hang with friends listen to good music and pig out!! YUM!!
Have a great weekend!
This weekend we are going to have a day of R & R we Kokopelie and I are going to go soak our bones in Crystal Hot Springs - then head to Pat's BBQ to hang with friends listen to good music and pig out!! YUM!!
Have a great weekend!
30 January, 2008
Happy Hump Day
Good morning blog land.....Life is great. Spent last night braving the horrid snow to go eat dinner with my dad and step-mom. They are so great to our little family! Pixie LOVES her Papa - They were planing their annual summer camp-out that is NO Parents allowed only the 2 grandkids, G'ma and Papa. It is the kids favorite summer activity.
Kokopeli's back is slowly getting better..weather permitting we may do a day trip to Lava Hot Springs and soak away some stress this weekend. We are also meeting a bunch of friends for dinner at Pat's BBQ this weekend....We invited a ton of friends because we have been feeling a little out of touch..we tend to hibernate in the winter.
Kokopeli's back is slowly getting better..weather permitting we may do a day trip to Lava Hot Springs and soak away some stress this weekend. We are also meeting a bunch of friends for dinner at Pat's BBQ this weekend....We invited a ton of friends because we have been feeling a little out of touch..we tend to hibernate in the winter.
28 January, 2008
Welcome to Monday!!
OK I am going to rant a bit..WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THIS SEASONS L WORD!?!?!?!? Does anyone else hate it as much as Koko and I do?? I am SO disappointed in most of this seasons story lines..Is poor Shane destine to NEVER keep the great women she falls in love with? I don't want Bette and Tina to get back together..I think Bette is the cow of the century (yes she is hot, sexy, etc but she is a BITCH) We won't even mention Jenny....GAWD is all I can say! The only good story lines this year are Alice (although her taking that photo to out someone was SO NOT cool) and Max.
Ok aside from last nights episode the rest of our weekend was such fun!! We did the Family Tubing Adventure on Saturday afternoon. It was a warm beautiful winter day. Then Sunday we saw the epic classic (destine to win awards) Veggie Tales Movie, watched a bunch of crazy drunk lesbians play football in the snow and had a wander through the gay mecca better known as IKEA. It was a good weekend!
Ok aside from last nights episode the rest of our weekend was such fun!! We did the Family Tubing Adventure on Saturday afternoon. It was a warm beautiful winter day. Then Sunday we saw the epic classic (destine to win awards) Veggie Tales Movie, watched a bunch of crazy drunk lesbians play football in the snow and had a wander through the gay mecca better known as IKEA. It was a good weekend!
25 January, 2008

Hooray for Friday! I love the weekends and this one in particular is going to be loads of fun. We are heading up to Gorgoza Park near Park City to do some tubing with all the cousins tomorrow afternoon. I love getting together with my crazy family
...We are all so different but have a great time playing and hanging out together.
Things at home are pretty mellow, Kokopelie blew out her back about 10 days ago so she has been going to Physical therapy 3x's a week trying to get better. I feel so bad for her she can't sleep, sit, or walk for very long before she is in major pain. She has taken to sleeping in the recliner because that is the most comfortable....Hopefully it will be better soon.
As for the Pixie..she is as energetic as ever....she loves 2nd grade and works really hard in school. Math and reading are her favorite subjects! Right now she is trying to finish reading The Spiderwick Chronicle's before the movie comes out - She is almost there she is on book 3 out of 5 in the series.

Things at home are pretty mellow, Kokopelie blew out her back about 10 days ago so she has been going to Physical therapy 3x's a week trying to get better. I feel so bad for her she can't sleep, sit, or walk for very long before she is in major pain. She has taken to sleeping in the recliner because that is the most comfortable....Hopefully it will be better soon.
As for the Pixie..she is as energetic as ever....she loves 2nd grade and works really hard in school. Math and reading are her favorite subjects! Right now she is trying to finish reading The Spiderwick Chronicle's before the movie comes out - She is almost there she is on book 3 out of 5 in the series.
24 January, 2008
The Begining....
Hmmm, I am new to this blogging thing - I have never been much of a journal/diary keeper but I have plenty of friends that blog and I love reading about their lives and situations and figured I might as well give it a try....Wish me luck and share your advise!!
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