OK all you blog stalkers that keep bugging me to post....This blog is for you!! It is the last week of school and Pixie can hardly wait for summer to begin! She is off to camp at the local B*oys and G*irls Club, and a week of Rock Climbing Camp at Momentum Gym. She also is going to take Horse back riding and tennis lessons and she is VERY excited about that!!We have loads of camping trips and a big river run planned for the summer. The farm is going great the lambs are growing and eating all the weeds in the pasture its awesome....The geese are insane - they really act like their name sakes (Esma and Kronk - Yes from the Emperors New Groove) Esma is a B**ch and Kronk is...well the nicest way to put it his he is mentaly challenged but a good laugh.
This past weekend Pixe and I went hiking up to Tim*pano*gos Cave (poor Kokopelie had to work). That is such a great hike and makes youu realize the majesty of this beautiful place we are lucky enough to call home! We dragged Papa and grandma with us and poor grandma just gets humiliated by Papa's sense of fashion (his theory is EVERYTHING matches camo-especially his stripy railroad over-alls!)
We are looking forward to a great Pride Day weekend and a healthy happy Summer!!

The begining of the hike

View from 1/2 way

On our way......

a tunnel on the trail

Yes the white stuff on the right is SNOW!

Cooling off....

The "heart" of Timpanogos Cave

cool cave formations

American Fork Canyon-veiw from near the cave entrance

Grandma, Papa and Pixie
That gorgeous hair. Holy crap girls.
Ok, now I'm over it. SOOOOO, looks like a busy time for the Pixie. Glad things are going well on the farm.
Geese are mean. maybe get some stupid, I mean, nice ducks or something :)
I am shocked, amazed, extatic for you that it was you and not me doing that damndable hike! It's so awesome once your there, but the up and the down SUCK~ When your a tub-0-lard like me. HA Ha.
But your were in my second favorite place on earth. American Fork Canyon is so amazing...can't wait for camping trips and fishing.
Sounds like the farm is doing great, never really liked the geese, they are always in the way on the golf course and sometimes steal your golf balls...not kidding. I can only imagine living with a few! :)
hope to see you soon...thanks for the update.
I was just going to pop into your blog then keep moving on cause there are never any updates and low and behold......YOU DID IT!!!! I love your little lambies. I especially like when I inadvertently let them out of the yard. LOL. Pixie is the cutest - and you need to take me on that hike!
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