29 November, 2008

Just Rambling......

So you meet some people and think "Wow..we could be friends!" but as things move along all you seem to find is lies trickery and feel as though you are trapped in a house of mirrors. How can people seem to be your friend in one breath then belittle and hurt you behind your back?? I have had this situation and find it quite disheartening. I thought that kind of behavior was best left in High School and not dragged into ones thirties and on!

I must also add I have some very wonderful friends to which I am truly grateful and I am very lucky to call my wives! To those wonderful ladies I say THANK YOU and I love you all!!



Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear that you have been having a rough time. Please rest assured that you are loved by this family! We miss you and think of you often!

Heidi said...

Amazingly sad isn't it!

We miss seeing the three of you around at GLPU. Maybe the Christmas party???

Happy Holidays.

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.