20 February, 2009


Wow another week of 2009 already gone. Time does fly. Kokopelie has been sick again her sinuses are kicking her butt this winter. Pixie is in love..LOL she has had a crush on the same boy since the day she laid eyes on him the first day of Kindergarten and come to find out her "likes" her too. Needless to say she has been on Cloud nine for a week....I am not sure I am ready for this!!!! She is still a very grounded old soul though. She was stalking blogs with me the other day and we watched a video on Rabacles blog of Hannah's little buddy singing Happy Birthday to you to his grandma. Hannah got big tears in her eyes and said "Oh mommy I am so proud of "I" He can sing a whole song and singing, that's his favorite thing!!" I is our friend and he has autism. He and his family moved to Delaware a couple of years ago and we miss them every day!!! Tomorrow watch for some photos we are off on the annual Huber Family Sledding adventure and it should be hilarious..It usually is!!! Work is busy finally for Pixie and we have been nailed with snow (82" in 10 days) up at the resort!! I should be there skiing and not sitting in front of this computer!!! Happy Friday! xoxo

PS As for Sen. Buttars comments: "And finally, this is how senator Buttars refers to the "radical gay movement.""They're probably the greatest threat to America going down I know of." I am really quite impressed at least he realizes what a powerful force he is dealing with!! What a GIT!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the nice comments Dragonfly! What a nice surprise for us. We miss you two so much and you are always in our hearts. I laughed when I read about Pixie's twitterpation. That is the cutest thing ever. We can't wait to see pictures.

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.