31 March, 2009

Enough with the snow!!!

OK - what happened to in like a lion.....Out like a lamb?? Here we are the end of March and I am getting emails from work notifying me of a winter storm warning and 9-13 inches of snow!! ENOUGH I SAY!! I am ready to camp and be warm and work in my yard. Pixie has a half finished swing set that is waiting for warm weather to get finished. The only member of our family liking this cold is our crazy new baby dog. Her Name is Nanook (which means Polar Bear is Native American) She is going to be as big as a polar bear but Nanook is all black. She is a 12 week old Newfoundland and is weighing in at a trim 60 lbs at this stage. She looks like a baby bear loping around the yard. Here are a couple of pictures of her with the breeder Zoe we bought her from:

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Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.