13 May, 2009


What a whirl win trip of fun....2 parks in 2 days, swimming at the pool and had a ball.  My poor mom is now sick with Bronchial Pneumonia cuz we wore her out :(  Aside from that the trip was FANTASTIC!!!!!

 Making tuna crackers on the plane....
Our Pin Lanyards.....Swapping pins with the Disney cast members was one of the kids favs!!
Hannah and Ayden..Favorite cousin's!
Me and my mommy looking soggy after a ride through Grizzly Gulch!!!
It's a Bug's Life!!


Ky said...

You let them make tuna crackers on an airplane? OMG - I'm sure the other passengers LOVED that. Otherwise - what an awesome trip!!!

K J and the kids said...

Looks like a blast.

I didn't even think about the smell until Ky brought it up...but...DAMN GIRL ! gross :)

The Pixie and a Dragonfly said...

Hey you tell 2 starving children that have had very little sleep they cant eat their tuna....Hello pissed off passengers I can handle a pissed off 9 and 13 year old I cant DEAL WITH!

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.