27 April, 2009
We had so much fun in Wendover with all our crazy friends. We all went to see the Loverboy concert - Nothing like seeing one of your favorite bands from your youth and seeing them old, greying or bald and sporting beer bellies to make you realize 40 is only 5 months away!!
21 April, 2009
and FINALLY!!!
The kick ass swing set is complete! I climbed all over it, hung on the monkey bars slid down the slides, stood on the swings and I didn't die and the thing didn't collapse so I say bring on the munchkins!! It only took me 12 hours and 2 weeks between snow storms to get it all done....Here are the photos:
Also here are some pics of the critters at The Farm!!
Me putting in.....then looking out the window
The back side complete w/prayer flags!
And the finished product!!!
Also here are some pics of the critters at The Farm!!
Kronk and Eizma the Evil Killer geese
Nanook the bear she is 15 weeks old and weighing in at 70 lbs
and 3 baby kitties born in our barn!!
19 April, 2009
Spring Break
What a fun Spring Break we have had!! Pixie spent time playing and having sleep overs with all her grandparent's, going to movies, doing lots of reading (she is a little book worm reading is one of her favorite hobbies)
It was a beautiful weekend...not super warm but the sun has been out, we have been playing out side and there is no rain in the forecast until Thursday, but rain we can deal with it is suppose to rain in the spring but no more snow!!
Last Friday the 3 of us went with Papa, G'ma Karen and Ayden to the Delta Geode beds and dug for rocks...We found some beauties! The kids cant wait for Papa to get his rock saw all hooked up so they can see what sparkling crystal finds await them inside the geodes they found
Here are a few pics of this past weekend - Working on the swing set,
then going for a walk along the Jordan River Parkway with Papa, G'ma Karen, Papa's buddy Peter and all 3 big dogs (Nanook our 14 week old Newfie, and Thelma and Louise G-ma's black labs)! It was a perfect day!!
14 April, 2009
Still waiting for Spring....
Well yesterday was a great teaser...again - 70 degrees clear sunny a beautiful day..then...WHAM! Rain-snow winter storm warnings and it is freezing again! Oh well welcome to Utah - Someday the new huge redwood swing set will be put together, every time we get a splash of warm we run outside and work on it but then have to pack it in cuz it gets cold.
Our new big dog Nanook is loving the farm she lollops all over the yard tripping over her own huge paws it is so funny to watch her - It's Like a cartoon. I think she is weighing in at 60 lbs and she is 14 weeks old. Pixie thinks she is a pony and tries to sit on Nanook - thank goodness Nanook is a good sport and happily rolls around the pasture playing with Pixie -
I think our little dog Coco would eat Pixie if she tried to play with her like that..
Our new big dog Nanook is loving the farm she lollops all over the yard tripping over her own huge paws it is so funny to watch her - It's Like a cartoon. I think she is weighing in at 60 lbs and she is 14 weeks old. Pixie thinks she is a pony and tries to sit on Nanook - thank goodness Nanook is a good sport and happily rolls around the pasture playing with Pixie -
Kokopelie is not sure what she thinks of the new puppy especially when she went to answer the front door yesterday and found that Nanook had decided to help her garden and had spread the bag of potting soil all over the front stoop...naughty puppy!
Pixie has also been a busy kid she went to Disneyland a few weeks ago and had a great time!!
and keeping with being spoiled we are off to see the mouse again with her best cousin and grandma in May!!
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